how did you fit the op around work? Started by: Mollie

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  • Mollie

    help! I really want it doing but how did you fit the op around work, with taking time off etc? i’ve got an almost 2 year old too. as daft as it sounds would I be able to give him my full attention post op? tia. x

    Kirsty 49

    Your surgeon can give you a sick note to give you paid time off work after your op xx

    Jay 36

    I had to take a week off as annual leave. I don’t have children but know you won’t be able to pick him up or run around after him. Just standing was painful for me but there are a number of mums on here who should be able to give you advice x

    becky 13

    Im having my surgery on the 16th and have 2 young children. My partner is taking 1 week off work then I have someone helping me with school runs for the second week. Iv also taken 2 weeks off work. I’m hoping by week 3 things will be abit easier as I’m back to work and doing it alone again x

    Amy 265

    Luckily I am a teaching assistant so had mine so I had Xmas hols off.
    You can get a sick note from doctor but they have to state reason why so it depends on how your place of work will be with that. Most employers expect you to use holidays.
    I had 18 days in total off work and was still sore.
    You will need help with small children for at least first week. I have an extremely high pain threshold so had a good recovery and have daughters age 12,7 and 6 so they where able to help me and each other while my husband was working.
    But you can’t really lift heavy things for few weeks so toddler into car etc is difficult.

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