Fri 13th Fitzroy nerves are kicking in Started by: Rachel

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  • Rachel 8

    anyome else at Fitzroy on this date my admission time is 12.00 xx

    alex 5

    Im at fitzroy fri too 🙂 9am admission. How r u feeling? Xx

    Rachel 8

    Mixed emotions this is my second BA my last one was 8 years ago and I’m
    Wanting to go bigger as o don’t look like Iv even had one what cc are you having? How you feeling about it xx

    alex 5

    This is also my second. I had 275 hp partials last july but they dont look right and i have a slight cc so having revision. Am having 310 or 350 fully under teardrops. Excited to finally have them right but a little worried about recov. Even tho i had partials it was so easy last time. Trying to decide wether to drive down this eve and get a hotel as admission is 9am and i live near leicester. I bet your so excited. You will have such massive difference 🙂 xx

    Rachel 8

    I live in Middlesbrough but my bf lives in London so staying with him it’s getting real now I’m having 600cc I’m
    So nervous that there going to be to big I want to achieve a F I hope j don’t look ridiculous xx

    alex 5

    Im sure they will look amazing!! I measure 30e now with 275 so u should get at least an f. Just setting off for hotel. Xx

    Rachel 8

    What do you look like hopefully I will see you good luck I’m there at 12 if I don’t see you I hope everything goes well for you!! God it’s all so real now isn’t it xxx

    alex 5

    I am 5.6. Size 8 dark brown hair. What about u? Will look out for u too. Good luck with op and happy healing if i dont see u xx let me know how it goes. Xx

    Rachel 8

    I’m blonde size 8 hair to my shoulders I will Hun good luck xxx

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