HELP! One breast bigger than the other one :( Started by: Jacqueline

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  • Jacqueline 6

    Hiya Everyone,
    I’m 2 and a half weeks post op from a breast enlargement and a nipple lift on my right breast. I had different size implants to even out my breasts. However, when I woke up from surgery one still looked alot bigger than the other. I hoped that this was due to swelling as the bigger one had had the nipple lift. At my 2 week post op appointment I mentioned my concern to the nurse but she said that she couldn’t see a difference. Has anyone had a similar experience? I’ve really been stressing over this as the main reason I had my op was to even my breasts and to me one still looks a cup size bigger than the other, I really hope it’s just swelling or that the smaller one still needs to drop more.
    Jacqueline x

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    Josie 13

    One does look bigger but 2 weeks is still pretty early on. I’d give it longer before panicking cos from what ive seen from other ladies some don’t even out until after 6 weeks! ?X

    Jacqueline 6

    Hiya Josie,
    Thanks for replying 🙂 Yeah, your right 2 weeks is still really early. I guess I’m stressing that my surgeon may have chosen the wrong size implants needed to even out my breasts. As when I woke up he told me that he’d put a different size in one than we’d discussed. Has anyone had one nipple lifted and experienced more swelling in that breast, than the other one? x

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