Has anyone got after photos of 380cc overs from 34a Started by: Katie Al

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    Hi ladies,

    I am due to have a BA in Feb and having 380 cc round overs. I am currently a flat 34a. Has anyone got after photos of 380cc overs from 34a? I am worried they will look too small but then again I want them to look natural and not obvious that I’ve had them done. Any photos to help me make the decision on sizing would be really helpful.



    Hi I carnt seem to get onanyones profile to look at pictures, is there something I’m not doing help xx

    Clairelh 85

    You need to be friends with someone to see their pics x

    Jay 36

    380 will definitely not be too small, if anything I’d say if you don’t want anyone to know you’d had them done I’d go smaller. I had 325 and have only just about got away with only a few people noticing. If you’re going for the natural look did they say why they suggested overs as unders are known to give a more natural look? x


    Thanks Jay, I have another appointment in early December to retry to implant sizes. 380cc is the smallest I can go as I have loose skin from weight loss so surgeon has recommended this size to fill the skin. I also have tubular breasts so overs are needed to give me a lift. I can’t wait to have them done as my confidence is zero!

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