Rippling???? Started by: Tamara Duggan

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    Does rippling happen often??
    Dr Mounir recommended me having my impants over the mmuscle and said the main thing to consider with this is rippling?? x

    Xx..A..xX 81

    @tamara-x Heya hun, I had Mr Mounir last monday and he kept telling me about rippling! It is just one of the risks that they need to warn you about! It can happen, but its not as common as you would think and most of the girls that get it say that it can only be seen in certain positions..e.g lieing on their side! Have you got stretch marks already?! Xx


    Yes I do, I got them when breastfeeding. Does that make a difference? And how was he ? are you happy with your surgery? xx also, did you get them above the muscle or under xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    @tamara-x I already had stretch marks from weight loss and he said that can increase your chance of rippling! I’m still early days though so won’t know until they’ve dropped and fluffed and aren’t so swollen!! But they have to warn you about every risk their is just to cover themselves tbh! He is absolutely lovely, could not fault anything he did! He even went and found my other half straight after my op to tell him I was okay which I thought was lovely and then came to my room before he went home to see how I was! I had 590cc UHP overs from a very empty 34DD! Very happy with everything so far, just very swollen and tight! Add me and look at my pics if you like xx


    Aw that is really nice, he seemed lovely yesterday. I’m going to send you a request now x x


    And sorry, was does UHP stand for? lol xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Ultra High Profile. You can get sifferent profile implants, depending on what your surgeon has recommended! Xx


    He didn’t even mention that :/ lol x x

    Lauren 20

    I have rippling due to weight loss but I’m quiet lucky cos you can’t see it its on the inside so you can only feel it! I’ve just been told I’m not aloud to loose anymore weight now or else they will become visible on the outside x


    How much weight have you lost Lauren? And are the implants over or under the muscle? Xx

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