How much help do you need post op? Started by: Rebekah

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  • Rebekah 33

    I’m only going to have someone with me on the day of surgery and the day after, but from then on I’ll be by myself most of the day, do you think I’ll manage? Any advice. Also any recommendations for stuff I’ll need post op like the best cream to use to stop stretch marks and help with scarring/best support bras etc? Need a list so I’m all prepared. Thank you 🙂

    Clairelh 85

    Hi Hun this was only my experience but I couldn’t even flush the toilet or lift the kettle after my opp luckily I live with my boyfriend and he took few weeks of work he would have to lift me up out of bed every morning but everyone’s different :)x

    lauren 29

    Do a lot of girls get stretch marks from this and are you allowed to moisturise them so soon after surgery? X

    Jessica 6

    I had my boyfriend with me the day of surgery and the day after but now he’s gone away for 4 days so I’ve been on my own. I’ve managed fine. I had the op on Wednesday and I washed the dishes Friday, been cooking my own food, I went shopping today. I did have overs mind so they aren’t as bad as unders. I haven’t taken any painkillers at all x

    Xx..A..xX 81

    My boyfriend had the day off I had surgery and the day after that! He got me sorted on the sofa before he left for work in the morning but I was fine to potter around the house on the third day! I had overs though! Not sure if it makes a difference as unders xx


    Hi i had unders on wed and luckily i have my bf to look after me for a week before he returns to work, i can sit up onmy own now and go to the toilet on my own but i couldnt inagine lifting a kettle to make a coffee on my own yet, im still only having half full cups as i think the mug is too heavy ? everyone is different though so its hard to tell.

    As for things to buy i would have been lost without my hotwater bottle to ease pain on my lower back and my v pillow and travel pillow dor around my neck. I still couldnt imagine putting clothes on over my head so would say plenty zip up tops or button up pjs ect!!
    Hope this helps
    Best of luck ?

    Rebekah 33

    Thanks girls, sounds like it is worse for unders which is what I’ll be having, I wouldn’t want to do very much and risk complications so I’ll just have to make sure everything important is within reach as much as possible. Will have to see if I can get some extra help though from the sounds of it! Thanks for posting 🙂

    @mrssheppard2be thanks for the recommendations, yours look a great size in the prof pic, when do you get your strapping off? I’ve got pretty much the same stats as you, so be good if mine turn out like yours, I’m hoping I can get between 350-400 cc 🙂

    haha oh no i will have to figure out a way of getting myself out of bed! I’ve thought about borrowing one of those grabbing claws to reach far away things haha. By the way, amazing results from an a to e/f I’m really unsure of what size to get because everyone’s seem to come out so different for each person so it’s hard to know.

    Clairelh 85

    @rebe thanks 🙂 it’s so hard to tell what you will end up you just never know I only asked for a d but I happy with what I got 🙂 x

    Rebekah 33

    @clairelh I’m hoping to achieve a D too, but any size I come out with will be an improvement on the current size anyway! But because I’ve been so small, I do want to go big and it be noticeable but still natural as possible. 350cc at least I’m hoping to get if the dr will allow 🙂 so excited, just trying to figure out the best way to pay for it at the mo so I can book the date that I want x


    Thanks ? i get my strapping off on wed cant wait its really restricting! Will take and post some pics once it off! Good luck ?

    La1993 28

    I didn’t have anybody with me for a week and I was fine on my own, made sure I had easy food to make and left my doors open with door wedges and things! The pain was no where near as bad as I expected its bareable. It’s worse when you wake up in the morning it took me a few minutes to get up I had to learn to use my abs to sit up rather than my shoulders ? I got myself dressed after my surgery and went to the toilet on my own and I had unders 🙂 and I’m the biggest mard arse in the world!! Xxx


    Hey Rebekah, the best advice I’d probably recommend, would be prepared to do everything very slowwwwly. I’ve had 375cc partials and now day 4 PO. Lifting anything heavy or above shoulder height is still out of the question. Get literally everything you’ll need within reach, and get someone to set up your pillows for you. The more prepared you are for it to be difficult, the easier it will be xx

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