Nipple Numbness?! Started by: Xx..A..xX

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  • Xx..A..xX 81

    Heya ladies, I am 7 days PO today and was wondering how long nipple numbness lasted?! The sensation in one of my nipples came back almost immediately, still some numbness at the bottom of the breast but I don’t mind that! But the other is having none of it and the nipple is numb still?! How long can this last?! Is it likely to be permanent xx

    Clairelh 85

    Hi Hun I’m 6 month post opp and still can’t feel my left nipple not sure if it will ever come back my surgeon said it could take up to a year but I don’t really notice it now xx

    La1993 28

    Hi 🙂 I’m 4 weeks post op on Wednesday and all my numbness has gone! Xxx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Thanks ladies xx

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