Whats the worst day post surgery Started by: Louisa

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  • Louisa 15

    Hey ladies

    I have my op on Sunday kinda scares nut kinda not. I’m more scared of the post surgery as I won’t have anyone with me and worried I’m really going to struggle. I’m having 450 and 500cc partials I’m hoping to go from s c to a e cup bit I’m worried about how much or little I will be able 2 do xx

    kim 45

    I would say the first 4 days are the worst! Day 2&3 being the worst for me! I wasn’t able to do anything! But day 5 was a good day for me and then got a bit better each day after that! I was scared about post op but once you get past day 4 it’s not to bad! Just make sure everything is at waist height and with reaching distance without having to stretch and take ur meds whenever ur meant to and you will be just fine! Just rest a lot and don’t try over doing things! ๐Ÿ™‚ get lots over pillows, a few ice packs so when one melts you have another at the ready and also I used a neck pillow that you use on planes that literally saved my life! Lol xx

    kim 45

    Oh and a hot water bottle for your back ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Louisa 15

    Thanks @kim dis u find it ok getting out of bed or did u need helpx


    Hey Louisa, pain-wise my worst days were 3-5. Mentally was day 6-7 because I got fed up with the strapping and sitting around not being able to do much! Just make sure you keep a mental note of when you’re taking what painkillers and you’ll be ok. The worst is sitting up, hold on to your knees and use your legs to pull you forwards! It is definitely not a sexy time of your life haha. Quite ironic. X

    Louisa 15

    @leelee Thanks I never thought about writing down the times I take my meds so now il make sure I have pen n paper in reach and thanks 4 the tip on how 2 get up. Did u find it ok going to pee as I see a few people saying they struggled with going toilet lol ?x

    kim 45

    Sitting up was a struggle I was on my own in the days so I used my knees to pull me up! Going wee was fine for me it was flushing the chain that was hard! Half the time I left it ? lol Nd make sure ur wear baggy trousers coz it’s tricky pulling them up lol also try eat with ur meds coz they can make u feel a bit dizzy and flush if u don’t! Also once u had ur op the on call doctor will come with ur meds ask if they can give u muscle relaxers and if they offer u lacilows take those to! They didn’t give me muscle relaxers and u can’t buy them over the counter there prescription only! Xx

    Louisa 15

    @kim lol I’m defo gona try the knee trick and I’ve bought a baby doll nightie so I won’t have 2 pull my pants down ? but thanks about advising of the muscle relaxer aa I wouldn’t of had a clue 2 ask 4 that & what’s lacilow ?x

    Nicola 32

    Hey, I had a really good experience and can honestly say I’ve had no pain in the first week. I’m 8 days PO and only taken 4 lots of pain killers since my surgery and it was before I went to bed I case I woke up stiff in the night from not moving for a few hours.
    Agree with the other girls about having this at waist height and reaching distance as its tightness mainly, but don’t worry ๐Ÿ™‚
    Mine were under the muscle too so probably more strenuous than standard.
    Additional advice to the above is ice packs for the swelling and if you go out at all, wrap up warm. I started shivering and it hurt because my chest was cramping.
    Hope it all goes well โ˜บ๏ธ Xx

    kim 45

    Latchilow (probs spelt it wrong) but they help you poo ? lol the meds can make you constipated! And Yh keeping warm! Iv never had the heating on so much lol xx

    Louisa 15

    @nicola aww thanks it’s tomorrow my op date the only thing I don’t have are ice packs so I just hope I don’t suffer 2 much without it and I hope I’m like u with having no pain x

    Louisa 15

    Lol ? oh il w8 till my arms are Bether for that then lol and think il defo keep my elective blanket on @kim x

    alex 5

    I am with nicola. Exactly the same really. Had unders and only took pain relief the first couple of days. Had back ache at night time from sleeping upright but other than that was ok. I just used peas in a frรจzer bag lol or ice cubes once they were ready ๐Ÿ™‚ and the re froze them to use again. Keep everything waist height and be prepared to do nothing haha xx good luck xx

    Louisa 15

    @Alex thank u ?I have 1 more sleep till the big op and I’m so grateful for all the advice and I will have 2 try the peas in a bag trick xx

    Zoe 7

    Hello! Hope your op went okay today! ?
    I had 480cc unders..I’m 5 days PO and I’m still in quite a lot of pain! I haven’t got any strapping just my Macom and a breast band…! Think I over did it a bit yesterday so feeling it today in arms, armpits and right boob! Absolute agony! ? First thing in a morning is the worst as your meds will of worn off! But I swear by my V PILLOW!! best thing I’ve bought! ? Happy healing! Xx

    Louisa 15

    @zoe my op went so good I thought I’d b in alot of pain but I’ve been fine just feel sick if anything. Ohno what did u do? Oh do u feel really stiff in the mornings? And thank u u 2 hope u feel better also xx

    Zoe 7

    I felt really sick too and then I was sick..so the nurse thought it was the co codamol so they’ve told me to stop taking it! So I’m just taking paracetamol and ibuprofen now and I don’t think it’s really doing anything! ? I just got impatient and started pottering around the house and using my arms quite a bit! ? Ouch! I do feel really stiff in the morning yerp! I looked at my boobs today and the bruising is starting to show!
    So glad your not in much pain! I must be a wimp ? Xxx

    Louisa 15

    @zoe your not a wimp lol everyone is different. Who done your surgery as I have loads of tape on me so not bothered 2 wear my macom bra as its 2 much tension. I can’t wait till were 6 weeks post op and hopefully love out boobs xx

    Zoe 7

    Dr Andrea did mine at Preston! And he doesn’t use strapping which I was pleased about as after reading comments on here it’s quite uncomfortable and rubs! ? Managed to have a shallow bath last night with my boyfriends assistance! ? Hoping there’s some magic left in our relationship after all this as the end result is very glamourous but not the process ? I can’t wait for 6 weeks! ??? how are you feeling today!? Xx

    Louisa 15

    @zoe today was a lot worse than surgery day but still not that bad just felt more tight. Your bf will love them once they heal nicely. I’m in strapping ao can’t see my boobs but I can feel that they are very hard.x

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