Capsular contracture?!?! Started by: Xx..A..xX

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  • Xx..A..xX 81

    Hey ladies, I’m getting so worried about capsular contracture!! I am 19 days PO and my implants just will not drop!! My left implant is rock hard, feels tight, hot and I keep getting shooting pains in it (which is new). My other boob feels a lot softer! I’ve had a good feel and there are no hard lumps but I am just so worried, is it too early to tell?! My boyfriend has compared and says it feels as soft as the other one, but I don’t think so! Any advice would be great xx


    Hey chick that’s normal don’t worry it’s early days yet for you once the sweeling has gone down and your body eases up of them the settle in to place this y we have 6 months recover time xx I’ve had CC twice xx

    Jodie 43

    I wouldn’t worry about it for now, I’ve heard that you can get cc from as early as 3 months but cc is obviously caused by the scar tissue around the implant getting tighter and squeezing it, you’re only 19 days post op so I think it might be too early for scar tissue to even form around the implant? They’re probably just taking a while to drop give it a few weeks and see if it improves xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Thanks ladies, only thing I’m worried about! I’m just being impatient, but you can’t help comparing yourself to others either ? Xx

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