Help with insisions Started by: Rebecca

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  • Rebecca 6

    So I’m almost 2 weeks po
    And have taken my dressings off to one which is fine but the other isn’t looking in a terrible state it’s just not nice looking and its obviously making me worry as I’m a worrier
    What can I use to clean the insion area?

    Lucy 24

    To clean it, use warm water and a cotton pad Hun! I wouldn’t advise any soaps etc! Especially if it’s just like dried blood you need to clean up xx

    Rebecca 6

    I’m just being an absolute tit about it all haha. And obviously I want them to be ok, just wondering if anyone else used anything like antiseptic to wipe them down I’m just worried If i don’t they might go horrible! I’ve coped so well with everything the worst part for me was actually looking at the incisions how stupid can you get hahah! X

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