Do you have to go to your gp to get a letter? Started by: Samantha

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  • Samantha 89

    Reading some threads in the forum recently i didnt realise you needed a letter from your gp? How does this work? Does the nurse at pre op do blood tests? X

    Demi 8

    I did. I booked to see my doctor told him all and said they need a medical history and he asked for them to fax him with everything they need. I got my GP letter within a week. I called the reception and booked phone oppoinments with him every day lol xx

    Ellie 279

    The nurse did blood tests with me pre op.
    She also emailed my doctor asking for full medical history and I’ve had to keep ringing up the doctors chasing it up. They will need it before they go ahead with the surgery xx

    Samantha 89

    Thanks girls xxxxx

    Emily 32

    I spoke to my pc on Saturday because I’ve seen the same sort of stuff on here, she said I don’t need to do anything the only time they have problems is when people aren’t honest when they fill in the medical history forms at your first consultation so the letter comes back with stuff they aren’t aware of, she told me I don’t need to make an appointment or ask my gp for a letter they do it all for you. Hope this helps xx

    Samantha 89

    Ahhh thank you so much emily thats put my mind at ease xxx

    Ellie 279

    oh my pc said they wouldn’t go ahead without a letter faxed over of full medical history, its weird how everyone gets told different xx


    My surgeon gave me a 2 week certificate signing me off work, I just asked for one when I was leaving x

    Megan 11

    I’ve been reading a lot of stuff like this on the forums, I’ve contacted my PC at the Leeds clinic to see if I need one so I can get it sorted without leaving it too late but ever since I have paid my deposit no one has got back to me. Im due to see the surgeon again on the 2nd Feb & have my pre op on the 6th Feb and not been told anything about a letter. But then people have been told they need on at their pre op and its been too late to get one so their op date has to be rescheduled. Is there anyone else at Leeds clinic that hasn’t been asked to get a GP letter? Im worried now and really upset with MYA for ignoring me. x

    Ellie 279

    I would just play it safe and get a letter faxed over if you could? That way your covered. My gp didn’t charge to do mine xx

    Emily 32

    I’m at the Leeds clinic my pc is Katy xx

    Megan 11

    Hi Everyone, I have spoken with MYA and apparently this is nothing to worry about. Unless you have a bad medical history or lied about anything regarding your health, that’s when it becomes an issue but MYA contact your GP and sort it themselves – as long as you have been truthful it all will run smoothly. Just remember, honesty is the best policy! ..Hope this helps anyone else as much as it helped me and put my mind at ease! 🙂 x

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