So upset! :( Started by: Jessiikaa

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  • Jessiikaa 9

    Hi Girlies, I was on my usual commute this morning into work and as per usual the london underground is packed with crowds! This guy ended up barging into me so hard and elbowing me in my right boob, now it’s so sore and I’m terrified it’s gonna have an affect on my results 🙁 Do you think I should contact the nurse for a check up? x


    Hey these implants are made to hold on up on impact as it will take lot more than that to bust them as long as your skin n body are ok they will be fine X

    Lyndsey 42

    You’ll be fine honey just a little bruised and sore. They ran a car over an implant once and it survived that!

    Jessiikaa 9

    Thanks for the reassurance Girls! Feel a lot better now, hope the soreness doesnt stay too long 🙂 xx

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