Op tomorrow! Started by: Megan Rhiannon

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    Hi girlies my ops tomorrow just guttered my admission time is at 1pm didn’t really fancy been in their over night wanted to as void it as much as possible! ? Any tips or advice?! Xx

    Emily 32

    Hey Megan, I had my op last Tuesday and my admission was 1pm too, I got taken down to theatre about half 5 then left hospital at half 9. It’s not too bad was just really hungry and fed up of waiting but was worth it in the end!! just take lots of magazines or something to keep you entertained I would advise getting up early to have some breakfast before you have to stop eating, good luck for tomorrow 🙂 xx


    That’s seems like ages doesn’t it! Because I’ll have to stop eating around 7am! And if I’m not going down to theatre for another few hours that’s bloody ages lol! Thankyou anyway babe!! Xx

    Emily 32

    Yeah it did seem like a long time but once you get there you’ve got doctors nurses the anaesthetist and your surgeon coming to see you throughout so it does go pretty quickly, I got up at 6:30 and had some breakfast!! xx

    Ellie 279

    Oh are you a day or over night stay? If your a day case you should get out on the same day 🙂 xx

    Ella Beau 50

    Good luck for tomorrow Megan. Xxx


    Thankyou everyone!! Xxx

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