Please help me ladies!!! xXx Started by: samantha151

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    hello im due to have a breast enlargment in a few weeks and im having 525cc`s put in,i wear a D bra at the moment they dont fill them out but they sag a lil throu pregnancy can any1 tell me roughly what size that`ll make me x


    I think about an f hun not sure tho every 120 cc is 1 cup size have you tried the rice test


    yeah i tried the rice test but they looked huge,will they be smaller as the rice test is on top of my breast now x thanx x


    Yea they look about 10,% smaller once in are you having low or high profile ?


    high i think,whats the differnce,i dont want an overly huge chest x


    hi hun, talk to ur pc if ur worried they may explain y that size to you, but to be honest the implants (all different sizes) are dif on each person depending on ur profile, and your shape rib cage etc

    its soo confusing thou hunny ring ur PC they’ll explain it better (and dont worry about hassling them i wouldnt your paying a lot of money to them so u should know exactly what ur getting!) x

    Carly x


    thanx carly, because it is already booked and so forth can they change the size of the implant without me going all the way back to london can i just tell them a new size x


    I have heard some of the girls saying that they ordered two sizes for them (this is mya!) and they decieded on the day. i would ring and ask if they could order another smaller size and u can decide on the day hun who is ur surgeon? x


    hi peeps i was a C/D cup before and i had 300CC and im about 2 cup sizes bigger now but im 2 days post op but think i might stay 2 cup sizes? i was told that 150CC was a cup size. plus u lose abit depending on whether there over or under



    Hiya I’m a 32d at the moment and having 410 hp overs, I was worried about me ending up too big also, don’t really want to be any bigger than an e but I think it’s more likely gonna be f or ff x


    yer me too. i made it sure that the dr knew what i wanted and so he said no to go bigger then 300cc for me and im in an E cup bra

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