difference between hp and no hp anyone??? Started by: rachel stuart

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    Hi girls, im a 32b im going for 3500cc is this going to be big enough?? And not sure what hp is…

    Sophie 16

    HP is High Profile it means that the implant is more projected and “fatter” haha where as Low Profile is a flatter, wider, more roundish implant xx


    I thought I wanted mod plus so they don’t project forward as much as HP, but the surgeon said mod plus wouldn’t fit me as they’re actually slightly wider than HP and would stick out at each side on me (as I’m quite narrow width ways!)… I don’t want them out at the sides as am wanting a really natural look, so have gone for HP. I’m also very deflated at the mo, with all my natural tissue towards the bottom, so they surgeon said that HP would give me better upper fullness and better overall shape. I’m just going with his advice as he knows better than me… I said I wanted to be a full C cup and then he said the best cc and profile to get me there, based on what I’ve got so far! Hope that makes sense xx


    Thankyou! Im hoping to come out a d or dd hope he can make this happen!xxx

    danielle 18

    I’ve attached a pic. Mod plus is wider but less projected from the chest, where as high profile is less wide but sticks out more so more of a rounded look. X

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