not big enough? Started by: Angela Wasilewska

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    Hello, I don’t know if I’m just having a serious boob greed or what, but I don’t feel like they’re big enough :(. I’ve showed my doctor a picture of how big I wanted to go and he said he can do that… he picked the smallest implants from the 4 I’ve looked at- I didn’t even know about this till I saw my discharge letter. I’ve had overs (275cc right and 300cc left), will they get any bigger when they drop/fluff up? I don’t know if I’m just being a drama queen! Thank you xx

    Samantha 89

    What size did you ask for chic? Xxx


    I wanted the 350ccs, I loved them when I tried them on! And I’ve never actually been asked what implants I’ve preferred. Even when he came in to draw on me he put 300 on one boob and 325 on the other, so Im not sure why he decided to go for smaller ones in the end :(. I wanted to go up to an E at least, and right now I look no different to what I looked like when I had my 32DD bra on :(, there was a girl who had hers done with MYA and she ended up being a G and I showed him a picture of her boobs and he said we can do that, so not sure whats gone on with that 🙁 xxx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Heya Hun, how long ago did you have it done?! I’ve just looked at your pic and they look amazing! Overs drop too over time! I hated mine when I first had them done and they weren’t dropping at all..I had serious boob greed! I’ll attach a pic of week 1 and 3 months, they have changed loads! You just need to give it time and if you still aren’t happy, go and talk to your surgeon! Xx

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    Ayesha 13

    They say it’s 150cc per cup size my friends say and had 385/415cc but was already a DD and went to 32G


    I don’t think it’s true when people say 150cc is one cup size, my friend had 250cc and she’s a D


    Hello, ashytonnn! I’ve only had them done 4 days ago (I’m really impatient I know!) ThankYou :’)! OHH-MYYY!!!! I am so jealous! They look gorgeous!! You’re the size I’ve always dreamt of being! ThankYou, you’ve made me feel a bit better about them! I guess I’m just gonna have to wait and see what happens now 🙂 xxx

    Corinne 24

    Hun your boobs look big to me you must be a at least a dd -e


    Hey :), I got measured before the op in ann summers, and the lady said I was a 32DD, but they felt really empty inside, so I wanted to fill them in to get the volume back! I think I’m just panicking because they’re not as big as I expected them to be 🙁 xx

    Ayesha 13

    It’s is true ppl get gain more cups if there back is smaller 28-34 back X


    I have no idea 🙁 sorry!


    I’ve spoken to girls on here who’ve had 275cc hp and she’s a 32DD


    Do you know what she started off with?


    Angela I wouldn’t worry Hun, yours look really big & a great shape! I had 300cc and yours look bigger than mine! ?


    She started with an A cup


    I need to stop being such a drama queen, I’m just being super greedy I think! Ahhh there is still some hope for me then :L!
    Thankyou :’)! How you feeling now? And how do your new babies feel? 🙂 xx


    They keep changing everyday! I’m so inpatient i just want the final result now ? No pain anymore though!


    I would love to see them! (in a non creepy way :p). who have you gone with? wooohooo! i cant wait to stop taking the painkillers… I might not bother tomorrow, they’ve not been too bad today and I’ve only taken them once this morning 🙂

    Xx..A..xX 81

    Thanks babe! 4 days is no time at all! It’s sooo hard not to stare at them constantly and think about them all the time though, I was terrible for it ?! Just try and give it time and you’ll love them xx

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