Skin pulling really tight under incisions!!!! Started by: Tracy

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  • Tracy 35

    Hey ladies, my ribs under my breasts have been really hurting today, and when I looked it’s as if my skin is stretched that tight it’s bunching together, I’m just over 3 weeks post op and wondered if anyone else has had this, or am I just being paranoid! Maybe it’s just that my skin is adjusting or I’m over doing things, either way I think I just need to take it a bit easier lol x x x

    Tracy 35

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    Xx..A..xX 81

    That looks a bit like Mondors cord chick! Google it, it can be common following a b/a but settles on its own! If you’re worried, send a pic to your nurse xx

    Ellie 279

    I think the same as xxAxx said above Hun xx

    Tracy 35

    Thanks Hun, iv just been looking at this on Google, I was freaking out slightly, but I’m already having to take ibuprofen as my glands in this breast are inflamed so makes sense why this has occurred, really appreciate your reply @ashytonnn x x x

    Tracy 35

    Thanks @ellie2015 sounds quite comment from what iv just been reading, hopefully it will sort it’s self out! I feel like that’s all I keep saying about this breast lol x x x

    Ellie 279

    Aww bless. That’ll be gone in a few weeks though. Speak to a nurse about it I’m sure they will make you feel better. Everything will be fine but yeah it’s all abit of a waiting game! Is everything else okay xx

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