Friday 18th ops – admission times?? Started by: Trudi Louise

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    Just wondering if anyone has got their times yet?? I’m getting impatient and resisting emailing to ask lol

    Robyn 12

    Hi, I am also booked in for 18th with Mr Kazzazi but don’t know times yet. I can’t sleep because I am so excited but also so nervous as never had an operation before and worried about it being local anesthetic and being awake. I have text my PC this morning though to see if she can give me a time though so just waiting for a reply now

    Robyn 12

    Just got my admission time…12 o’clock!!

    Scarlett 2

    I’m also on the 18th, still waiting for my admission time! What hospital are you both at?


    Robyn 12

    I am at if natural look clinic with Mr Kazzazi, how about you? X

    Robyn 12

    I text my PC this morning to find out. Wish I was earlier in the morning, so nervous just want to be in there!! X

    Scarlett 2

    Ah I shall see you there Lyndsey! I am absolutely petrified, just want to know the time now!x

    Scarlett 2

    Got mine! 7.30am, very pleased wanted to be as early as possible. Now to carry on panicking! Hope you all get yours soon!xx


    I have my time!!! 11am at the natural look in Doncaster!!!

    I might see you about Robyn xx

    Robyn 12

    Glad you have your time Trudi, they are quite late appointments though aren’t they, the nurse called me a couple of hours ago to make sure I knew not to eat 6 hours before, I am so nervous I wanted it to be first thing so less waiting around, hopefully everything goes on time and I am sure it will be worth the wait! Just looked at your stats and we are having the same implants!! Xx


    I’m glad for a late morning. I’ve got to travel up on the car (just over an hour) so really wanted to avoid the rush hour traffic in the morning.

    Oh that’s cool. Will be good to see how each of us get on etc. I’m so excited!!

    Robyn 12

    Yeah ours is an hour journey too, I am just inpatient!! Are you nervous about it being local and not general? I can’t sleep for worry and excitement!! Xx


    Where abouts are you travelling from? I’m trying not to over think the whole surgery itself and I’m terrified of needles lol!! But to me, local or general, I’ll be asleep and that’s all I need to know.

    I want my boobs now! Xx

    Robyn 12

    I thought with local you are not asleep that’s why you can go home the same day? That’s what is scaring me!! I have got 2 little girls and my pain threshold is quite high so not that worried about after its just the actual op! We are travelling from Halifax, my appointments have been at if Leeds clinic.
    I know how you feel, I keep reading about dropping and fluffing and don’t really get it! We go on holiday in may and really hope they look natural and the right size at that point! Xx


    They way it was explained to me is that you are asleep. But it’s just not a deep deep sleep. Which is why they can send us home earlier.

    I have a toddler so following the op will be testing. (Single parent)

    There was another girl who was booked for Friday at doncaster, Magdalena I believe? I wonder when her time is xx

    Robyn 12

    Oh that makes me feel a bit better about it, I have been so worried I would move whilst they were doing the op and something would go wrong!
    Miqne are 2 and 4, I have been told not to lift then for 6 weeks, I hope that isn’t really the case as I really don’t know how I will manage. Luckily my dad is having them tomorrow for us though. (TOMORROW…HOW GOOD DOES THAT SOUND?!)
    Who is having your little one whilst you are there? Xx

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