What sports bra can i wear after the op? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey, got my op in 4 weeks and don’t know what sports bra to get , looking at zip up sports bra as ive always struggled get in a sports bra and cant imagine doing that after an op lol they can b so tight , Macom bras are abit expensive so would any do? X


    I’ve bought an Asda zip up sports bra and a front button Royce bra xx


    M&S do some great ones too. Also matalan has a post surgery bra which is really comfy. Definitely go zip up I tried to get into a back fastening one even at two weeks PO I struggled! Asdas are good but I found straight after my op they were really tight on my incisions so go one back size up for swelling! Good luck for your op xxx


    Thanks girls ?I’ve seen some nice pink zip up 1s on ebay so I’m a 32a don’t fill it lol getting 300cc implants high profile under muscle will a 34c sports bra be ok? My surgeon said I will b a D xx

    Sophie 22

    M&s high impact sports bras r so nice cosy I had 350 and 375 cc on Tuesday starting at a 32b and my 34e sports bra r a tight fit at min my nurse at pre op advised me on size xx


    Thanks il have a look there too, got my pre op next week xx

    Gemma 19

    I have a couple of zip up ones but I don’t feel they support me as much as my macom bra has. I only wear they others when my macom is in the wash. I know they are expensive but your paying so much for surgery would you want to settle for anything else? If you can a macom you can get 15% off I bought the £35 one and get one size bigger than what your are for swelling 🙂 xxx

    Helen 111

    i bought a fab zip up one from asda, only £8 too! gonna get a couple more but i saw in m&s they had a few nice zip up ones just not in the size i needed xx


    Think different nurses tell you different things…
    My nurse said the only bra she’d recommend for weeks 1-6 is a Macom and not to go up a size, even though there’ll be swelling, as they’re compression garments so need to be snug to get the liquid/swelling down. Maybe wait until you’re pre-op to see what your nurse says?? I’ve got the Asda one too just incase my macoms are in the wash xxx

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