Myth busting – unders/partials Started by: Joanne

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  • Joanne 19

    Hey girls, I don’t know if this is any help to anyone but this is something that really messed with my head in the run up to surgery as you see so many different stories of how partials develop and how unders develop etc etc……. So I asked Mr Traynor on the day of surgery and he said 100% they are the same thing in this country! ‘Unders’ are no longer performed in the UK – where the implant is placed completely under the muscle – but some surgeons will still refer to the implant going ‘under’ the muscle even though technically they will be partially placed! So, if like me you were told the implants were being placed under the muscle, then you can now know you’ve had partials as I found out after asking this question ☺️ Hope this helps! ?? xx

    Kel 19

    I got told this too, I was a bit concerned before I found out haha xxx

    Samantha 89

    Exactly what he said to me ellie i also asked ‘completely under?’ An got the same response! How strange! Xx

    Joanne 19

    Ah really?! What the hell?? Lol ask him on the day if they’re different or the same thing and see what he says! Xxx

    Ellie 279

    I’ve already had my op 10 weeks back lol so wil ask him when I see him on my 3 month check up in two weeks be interesting to see what he says lol xx

    Amy 47

    I was just asking the same question and this has helped a lot as I’m having unders but was worried of losing just that little bit of 25cc – I’m having 300cc and 325cc aiming to be atleast a D-DD but my surgeon couldn’t tell me what I’d achieve as he said something like your only know that when I get measured and all shops do different sizing he said I could go primark and be a D I could go get measured else where and be a DD all depends and cos of this it worried me and kinda made me wonder if I’ll end up small I just don’t want to end up being a C cup as I’m already in 32b bras now sometimes a 32a, so as soon as unders is mentioned I assumed I’ll lose some of the implant and end up small but by what I’ve been told you don’t? As partials and unders are the same thing so I wonder why they say unders if they don’t do them in the uk anymore xx


    I’m having 300cc unders high profile, so my unders are in fact partial? X

    Joanne 19

    I believe so Kel yeh! When Mr Traynor was drawing on me before surgery he said ‘and we’re going under the muscle’ so I asked him if he meant partials or unders and he said they are the same thing in this country etc etc. xx


    I think unders and partials refer to how under the muscle they are. As in ‘unders’ are covered by say for instance 50% of muscle and partials 25% or muscle ect.

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