Anyone had 400/425/450s or even bigger? Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 146

    I’m currently a 34B and stuck between 400, 425 or 450! I’d love to see anyone who’s had these sizes. I’m getting unders but I’d love to see pics if anyone has overs as well, or if you went higher than 450. I’m a size 10 and about 9 and a half stone so I’d like to look like an E so I’m not sure which ones to go for! Any pics would be helpful thank you xxx

    Lauren 2

    Hi babe I have 650cc and I’m 2 weeks 2 days post op hope that helps you get an idea aha even though I went bigger than your thinking of going xxx

    Sam 49

    Hiya hun, I’m having either 475 or 500cc next thurs, want to be an E cup also. I’m size 8, 5ft5 & 32a….. Personally I would go for the biggest CC option, there’s only s spoonful of difference per size (25cc) … I keep thinking that If I go for the biggest size im allowed then I’ll have no boob greed after haha! Fake boobs measure a lot bigger than that look compared to real boobs! ️Xx hope that helps! Will upload pics next Thursday x

    Jess 146

    @sam-britton @laureno I’ve added you both, would love to see your pics! I’ll ask him what’s the biggest he thinks I can go since you can never have too much boob haha. Wow Lauren what size were you to start off with to get 650cc? xxx

    Lauren 2

    Sorry Hun I haven’t been on here in a while I started as a B and I’m still waiting for my 6 week check up so I can be sized I’m Over the moon with them never been more pleased !! I say go for the bigger size aha xxxx good luck sweet xx

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