Op booked for the 17th may Preston scared for pre op Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma 9

    Anyone else booked in for 17th may in Preston I’m scared for pre op is the nurse strict I’m at the Leeds clinic

    Helen 111

    no need to be scared, it’s relatively straight forward and simple. the nurse goes through any existing medical conditions, allergies, medication you took in the past year or currently taking, does blood pressure, height & weight and more before photos. they only take bloods if you’ve had issues for example, anaemia or you are diabetic, something that would require a blood test to check on. they also will do MRSA swabs in your nose and armpit but everyone has those done, the whole pre op for me took about 45 minutes. if you are concerned about previous medical history, get a letter from your GP beforehand stating your fitness and wellbeing, physically and mentally as they will need one from most girls if not everyone. my pre op was in Bristol and the nurse was so lovely and made me feel at ease the whole time, good luck hun! hope this helps a bit! xx

    Gemma 9

    Just really worried after other girls posts I have read cx


    Pre op is less scary then what u think , dnt even take blood tests , just measure your height , weight , take mrsa swabs, before photos , go thru medical history xx

    Gemma 9

    Just worried because in 2010 I had to have a blood transfusion from loosing 5 pints of blood due to having an emergency caesarean but lost the baby . Just worried they may say I have had blood loss in the past but I lost the blood before the emergency caesarean due to my placenta tearing away xx

    Jade 19

    I hope it’s not going to be an issue for you Gemma! Fingers crossed! X

    Gemma 9

    Hope not to it was 6 years ago surly it can’t be a problem x


    That will not b a problem as I lost alot of blood after my emergency c-section and the birth of my girl in 2011 had another baby 2013 lost blood again was anaemic but because its due to child birth its not a problem, u will defo b fine , good luck ?xx

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