I'm thinking of booking a consultation with mya! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I’ve wanted a ‘boob job’ for many years as I’ve always had small boobs. I’m 5ft4 and weigh 8st3 I’m currently a 34a! I’ve had 3 children so my boobs have inflated and completely deflated all 3 times the only time I’ve felt like a proper woman is after giving birth and they’ve filled up with milk! Just really need some advice on what size to go to and see some pics of before and after if possible I’m looking to possibly go to a D size if I could my skin has already stretched to this while pregnant so I can’t see it being a problem..feedback of mya would be much appreciated! πŸ™‚

    Helen 111

    i found my experience all very good so far! only bad bits i have seen have been aftercare related. i am booked for 9th may, just make sure you 100% trust your surgeon and are happy with your decision before booking anything. you can always see another surgeon if you want second opinions ☺️ i would 100% book a consultation, it’s free and gives you a good insight into what you can achieve x


    Thanks Helen, which surgeon have you chose? I’m sure once I’m there I’ll have a gut feeling of the whole thing, it’s a big thing for me and alot of money so I want to make sure I’m 100% happy with who I go with x


    Do it, do it, do it! It’s free & you’re not committing to anything, so I’d say 100% go and discuss options! I’ve found mya to be great so far- had a few blood issues & they were fab at testing & sorting things for me. Xx

    Jade 19

    Hi Kaighley,
    I’m 22 and have always been unhappy with the size of my boobs. I’ve always wanted to have a boob job but have always been such a worrier about pain and complications. However, after a work incident in September, I decided to just do it and started researching! I booked a few free consultations.
    Before the consultations, part of me was already set on MYA as the aftercare procedures is one of the best I’ve seen.
    I met my Patient Coordinator and straight away booked the next step in my journey with MYA. Honestly, I haven’t had a straightforward trip. I’ve had a few moments where if I hadn’t already paid my deposit I probably would have walked away, but I think that was down to anger at the time. Looking back now, it wasn’t bad – just inconvenient.
    I’m booked in for surgery on Friday. I’m hopefully going to a D cup & I’m having 350cc’s. Up to this moment in time, I am so happy I went with my instinct and chose MYA. I’ll have to keep you updated after the op! Let me know who you choose to go with in the end.


    I’ve constantly been researching all different clinics but I seem to be drawn to mya! But I’m still going to have consultations elsewhere just to see how I feel about them! I’ve seen alot of good reviews about mya, see I wouldn’t be able to have them done till January next year as my husband has no holidays left for this year ( as we have holidays booked etc) and I will need his help specially with our youngest who will be 1 and a half years old! Seems so long to wait tho! I’m very impatient! Can you book this far in advance? Good luck for your op jade..yes please keep me updated, who is your surgeon? X

    Helen 111

    i went with dr linda fiumara, she made me feel so at ease during my surgeon consultation. she was really honest with what results i could achieve as well as i have a boney chest and 1 boob bigger than the other but she said she can sort that πŸ™‚ your patient co-ordinator will match you with a surgeon they think will match what you want to achieve but you can always get a second opinion xx

    carlymarie 17

    Had my first consultation with MYA yesterday, was really worried about booking with them as I’ve read some negative stories!

    My patient co ordinater was lovely, I have another 3 consultations elsewhere but might stick with MYA! Book a consultation, it’s free and you have nothing to loose.


    I’ve not been to mya yet so I won’t be able to compare the price just yet but I will keep you updated! πŸ™‚


    I got mine a grand cheaper else were so have a good look around ?xx

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