Worried about mrsa swabs haven't come back yet Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma 9

    I’m so eager to find out if I have mrsa or if I don’t the lady said when I rang up they would be back today or tomorrow but I keep ringing and they keep saying they will only contact me if there is a problem but I would like to know either way if I do have mrsa or if I don’t just for piece of mind . I’m stressing a lot probably over nothing arghhhh any one else like this I’m constantly over thinking all the time my op is on the 17th may

    Harriet 88

    Ahh same, even though I only had my pre op yesterday! I’m sure you don’t have it tho x

    Lacey 35

    I had my swaps at my pre op and I never got any results back until the day of my op when it had on my paperwork negative I think they only contact you if you have it x

    Lisa 6

    I’m the same, I’m not a Mya patient but I’m book in on May 13th I wrote a letter to the hospital and sent it with my health questionnaire, as I don’t want it prolonging my surgery they said if it’s positive I will just be given a weeks course of antibiotics and have surgery as normal . I’m hoping as not the case and I get the all clear.

    Amy 47

    I had my pre op yesterday and asked my nurse how long it will take for results to come back she told me 2 days.
    But my pc said if you don’t hear nothing back it’s a sign I’ll be ok they will only call if ther is a problem

    Aneilia 30

    Email your nurse direct. That’s what I did x

    Rachel 9

    I was the same, I was convinced I’d have it!! I emailed my nurse and she rang me as soon as the results came in to say they were negative. Try not to worry it’s really unlikely that you would have it! Xx.

    Gemma 9

    I don’t have my nurses email address I have asked my coordinator and she said she will let me know the outcome as soon as they come back I had them done Tuesday so it’s been 2 days now just freaking out


    I had my pre op 8 days ago and heard nothing, guessing I dnt have it? I’m not may patient but think they all have same rules, xx

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