Finally got measured! So happy.. Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey girls,

    Had my 6 week check last Monday. So happy when I finally got measured, Went from a 30AA, was hoping for a C but got measured a 30DD, so I’m over the moon! Sound massive but they look in proportion to my small frame, the best decision I’ve ever made!

    Got told everything is fine and healthy. Had what felt like rippling on both sides of my boobs but the nurse said to gently massage them and it should get better. Not even a week later and the lumps are not noticible any more!

    Had 300cc mod plus unders.

    Good luck on all you boob journeys xx

    Nicky 29

    Oh wow that’s really good! Bet your pleased ☺️ I’m in two minds for 275 or 300cc mod plus x


    @nickya93 they said between 275 or 300 but I wanted the 300.. There’s such little difference so go for the biggest they offer because you’ll go through so many different emotions and you don’t want to regret getting to small! X

    Nicky 29

    Have you got any recent pictures now your 8 weeks post op ☺️?xx

    Nicole 18

    Hey Lucy we’re already friends and I’ve had a look at your pics… They look so good! I’m 12 days PO and they’re still funny shaped but seeing yours gives me hope ? bet you’re so pleased xx

    Jenna 19

    Oh wow that’s an amazing size increase!! I would be over the moon with a DD too?Xx

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