Help!!! Started by: Chloe Moore

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  • Chloe Moore 18

    My op is tomorrow I had my hair extensions out today but my hair dresser put hair spray on my hair.. Will I need to wash this before tomorrow or will it be ok?

    Jenna 19

    You will be fine I don’t thin hair products matter! They never said anything to me about hairspray & I got my BA with extensions in too! Good luck for tomorrow!?Xx

    Chloe Moore 18

    Thanks I’m such a stress head haha my hair takes so long to dry which is why I’m reluctant to do it so hoping hair spray will be fine! Thankyou xx


    Good luck for tomorrow Hun, I had my surgery today and I think as long as you don’t have nail varnish on or deodorant you will be fine! Are you excited? Xxx

    Chloe Moore 18

    Thanks Hun! Up and excited ready for my 3 hour car journey lol, washed my hair just to be on the safe side! How was your experience xx

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