What to tell work? Started by: Carly

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  • Carly 15

    Hi ladies,

    I need your help! My BA is booked on the 24th June and although I work in an office we host allot of events and it Involves heavy moving of equipment.

    I need some ideas of what I can tell my work?

    If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it ?


    Carly 15

    I didn’t mention I am not telling any of my colleagues about this so I need an excuse why I can’t heavy lift/move equipments for 6 weeks without them knowing I’ve had a BA.

    Hopefully some do you have been in a similar boat and can help me

    Jade 3

    carly, i’m in the army and dont want anyone in my work to know. i’ve just told them i’m having an operation and thats all. if anyone asks more indepth i’ll say it was to do with my stomach/throat. at the end of the day your medical information is confidential. dont feel pressured to tell them if you dont feel comfortable.

    Jade xx

    Nicky 29

    I have them. A letter that the nurse did for me and then an extra bit saying the 2 weeks is my annual leave etc. I went into work the next day after giving the letter being asked what procedure it is etc… I said do I have to say it and she yes it’s just so we know how to adapt your recovery needs and will just stay between my manager and matron, so I had to tell her in the end. I work in a hospital as a nurse

    Liss 36

    I told my female colleagues, for the men however, bruised ribs. Takes a few weeks to fully recovered and no heavy lifting. Perfect cover story 🙂 X


    I just bought a wrist support and said I’d sprained my wrist lol!! xx

    Carly 15

    Thank you replying girls, you have definetley helped me x

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