Septorhinoplasty with Dr Andrea Giannitrapani Started by: Angela Asquith

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    Good evening. I would like to thank MYA for everything they have done for me so far. I had my surgery yesterday at Preston First Trust hospital. Everyone there was very friendly and helpful, I am so happy I chose MYA. I have an instagram account anjs-rhinoplasty if you would like to see my pictures and story I am more than happy to speak to anyone with any enquiries they may have. I have to go for my packing out on Friday. I know this may sound a little silly but I am looking forward to being able to have my eye brows symmetrical as I have had to over pluck 1 side to make my nose look straighter for years. Once I am bandage free this is 1 thing I am looking forward to doing. Silly little things eh?


    Instagram anjs_rhinoplasty lowercase space not higher sorry.

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