Numb boob Started by: Kayla

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  • Kayla 26

    My boobs have felt fine until i sneezed earlier and now my left one is completely numb, is this normal?

    Amy Parren 38

    Same here mine are are so numb apart from the top and nipple on my left side. The nurse said it was normal and my friend has had them done for 3 years now and they still are numb underneath! X

    lucy 12

    Both my boobs feel numb but itchy it’s the weirdest sensation, I fell asleep the other day and when I woke up it felt like I had nothing on my chest! It freaked me out a bit ha xx

    Kayla 26

    Oh thankgod! I just thought id done something by sneezing haha.. Thankyou xx

    Helen 111

    my boobs are fully numb from the bottom of the nipple down to the incisions, it’s so strange! like if i touch the skin it feels like i am touching someone else’s boob!! haha hopefully the sensation comes back soon xx

    Joanna 5

    Mine are too, but only at the bottom and in the middle, everyday I touch them to see if their better but no joy. I read online that it takes a couple of weeks to get all sensation back. Fingers crossed x

    Helen 111

    i am the same ladies! 3 weeks PO tomorrow and my boobs are really numb from the nipple downwards. really hope the sensation comes back soon! xx

    Helen 111

    haha just realised i commented on this twice! going crazy! xx

    Kayla 26

    @helen my right boob has more feeling in than my left, its so weird.. I cant wait til they feel normal again lol xx

    Helen 111

    mine are awful kayla they don’t feel like my own boobs they feel so numb it’s strange and makes me cringe a bit! me too, i really want the feeling 100% back xx

    Jessica h -2

    Haha same thing happened to me this morning , never knew a sneeze could be so painful , only two days post opp, I am just paranoid about everything I keep checking them every two mins to make sure they are still there , anyone else do this ?? x

    Clare 6

    Hi I’m now 4 months post op and I still have numb boobs. Some days they feel a bit better then other days numb again. I can’t really feel my nipples yet either, they kind of feel bruised if I touch them. My nurse told me it can take up to a year for the feeling to come back- and how they feel at a year is pretty much how they will stay, hoping they will get better !! Although my nipples are active lol ( guessing she meant they harden ) so fingers crossed lol

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