How long off work??? Started by: sarahlouisex

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  • sarahlouisex 17

    I am having Unders on june 29th just wondering if some of yout lovly ladies can advise me on how long to take off work? i am having unders to i am aware that the recovery is a little more difficult?xxx

    claire 1

    Hey sarahlouise I work in an office although it’s light duties I ended up taking 2 weeks off I thought a week and a few days was enough but I struggled..everyone’s different though but maybe to be on the safe side I’d say 2 weeks and even then I found it a little hard driving and still do but as I said we all different. Good luck for the 29th bet you can’t wait ?xx

    sarahlouisex 17

    fab i have booked a month off lol so hopefully that should do it 🙂 litterly cannot wait super exitid have my pre op tomorrow, thank you claire xx

    Anna 40

    Hi @sarahhhh because i work in an office my PC said i’d be fine with a week off (i booked 2 weeks off) and i can drive again after 2 weeks. i know some girls who were fine after a few days and others took up to 2 weeks, i’d say take 2 weeks off just to be on the safe side. x

    sarahlouisex 17

    fab thank you Anna 🙂 i should be okay with just over three weeks off too then. i work as receptionist xxx

    Samantha 89

    Hey chic i had unders an went back to work 5 days after (i clean houses) an was perfectly fine xxx

    sarahlouisex 17

    awww thanks samantha you seriously have made me feel less worried haha! how long post op are you now ?xxx

    Samantha 89

    No worries love! Im 7 weeks tomorrow an completely back to normal! You’ll be absoloutley fine babe just the first couple of days are frustrating but by the end of the first week you’ll be flying through the healing process!! Xxx

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