Post Op girls? Advice needed please? x Started by: sara

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  • sara

    HI Girls, well i’m 4 days post op now, and experiencing a couple of things that i’d like advice on if poss?

    I keep getting a sharp needle scratch type pain in my boobs, thats the only way to describe it really, its usually around the sides of the nipple area,

    also i keep getting pins and needles type feeling in both boobs aswell?

    Has anyone ever experienced any of these feelings at all? Dont think its anything to worry about but just wanted to see if its normal or not really? I feel ok, not too much pain, but still very tender and uncomfortable, and my ribs are very tender still, should think i’m likely to feel like this for the 1st few days eh? Any feedback would be great x x


    My nipples are feeling really funny aswell hun, I think its normal! Lets wait to see if anyone else replies though as im not a expert lol
    Hope you are ok xx
    Really dont wanna go back to work tomorow :-(


    NO i bet you odnt! i know i wont want to! lol i’m just going to see how i go and see how i feel to when i go back…

    I’m hoping i will get some replies on this one, not sure whats normal and whats not to be honest, but dont like that sharp scratchin feeling, its really weird and its painful when it happens x x


    Hi Sara

    I didn’t get pins and needles, but i did get like a burning sensation in both boobs, the right one was the worst. I also got sharp stabbing like pains, but sure these only lasted the first week or so. I think that it’s probably just the nerve endings, and your boobs settling into place. If your worried, it might be worth phoning and chatting to one of the nurses, they are really helpful x


    Thanks Jacqui, i’ll give it till tomorro and see how i go, its not bad enough that i cant handle it or anything, was just worried whether its meant to be part of it or not, i’ll see what happens x x

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