Just booked my initial consultation!!! Started by: Phoebe

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  • Phoebe 10

    Hi girls,

    I’ve just booked my initial consultation for Monday (eeek!) and was wondering what the process is like, what happens and how long it takes.

    Also, I wanted to know at what stage of a BA (initial consultation, pre op, surgeon consultation ect) is it that you need to put a deposit down and then pay the full balance?

    Finally, could someone fill me in on the overall BA journey, obviously initial consultation is first but how many times do i go in between then and surgery day and what for? and how spread apart are the appointments?

    Sorry its a lot but I like to know everything so i can be prepared haha!

    Thanks, Phoebe xx

    Amber 72

    Hiya hun, so I had my initial consultation back in February and that’s where I met my Pc and we discussed why I want the procedure done and what size I’d like go be, she also said what surgeon did I like the sound of and I was able to feel what an implant feels like. Also she discussed the finance options and gave me an information pack to take home.
    I had a bit of a few month gap until I met my surgeon purely because I was saving for my deposit (I’ve gone with the finance option and needed half of it saved), I met Dr Traynor 16th of May and he asked again what I wanted to achieve and I told him, he then looked at my breasts and told me the sizes I could have to achieve what I wanted. He also told me where my implant would be. He then listed all the pros of the procedure and that was that for the consultation with him.
    After two days of seeing the surgeon I then booked my op for the 12th of July and paid my deposit. I had my pre op the 7th of June and again my nurse went through the pros of the procedure and what will happen during the op, I was then given an aftercare pack and details of what happens whilst I’m in the op. She told me all about the aftercare and then took bloods from me and I had to have swaps for mrsa. Once that happened she took pictures of my breasts so I can compare after 6 weeks after my op. Then I booked my 1 week post op and that was that.
    Your journey depends on you really, some people have their first initial consultation and 4 weeks later they have their op x

    Amber 72

    Cons not pros*

    Phoebe 10

    Thanks @amber18 not long for you now then!! How did you choose your surgeon and what size and profile have you gone for? xx

    Amber 72

    I know I’m so excited! I heard great reviews about Dr Traynor and there were so many girls results I loved by him. I was offered anything up to 425cc but I’m thinking of going for 375cc due to my small slim build, I don’t want to look too boobie. I’m also having HP overs xx

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