Question about surgeon consultation Started by: Phoebe

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  • Phoebe 10

    Hi girls,
    I have just booked and put down the deposit for my surgery date for end of august!! So exciting! But anyway that’s not relevant to what I need advice on haha.

    What I wanted to know was if any of you went alone to your surgeon consultation, I was reading a guide my PC sent me and it says a friend or relative has to be present at the surgeon consultation but I have no one available to come with me and even if i did, it would be my mum and I dont want to get my boobs out in front of her haha, anyway, I asked my PC about this and she said its fine for me to go alone but I live 2 hours away and I am scared I will pay to get up there and then not be able to have the consultation without someone with me.

    Can anyone put my mind at ease please!!

    Thank you! xx


    its fine, i went yesterday on my own. they prefer you to go in on your own (or at least someone who is over 18), and they have a nurse present in the room. or at least that’s the way its run in leeds! hope this helps, i saw my surgeon yesterday! x

    Zoe 15

    When I went to see my surgon it was my choice to take someone with me i didn’t have too, but the surgon made me sign a thing to say that I’d agreed for my boyfriend to stay in the room while he examined me so even if you did take your mum she could leave at this point xx

    Amber 72

    My friend came with me but she waited in reception. Dr Traynor said nothing about her coming into the consultation room and I’m seeing him again next week and I’ve not been told I need someone with me xx

    Hayley 30

    I went on my own they never said anything 🙂 x

    Jess 146

    I went on my own and was asked if I wanted a nurse chaperone with me while Dr Mounir examined my boobs but I just said no because I wasn’t bothered 🙂 x

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