11 days post op and finally feeling amazing! Started by: Tammy

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  • Tammy

    Hi! I had 350cc hp unders on 23rd June at preston. My recovery I thought was a little slow as I was in so much pain! I had to take painkillers until day 7 and admittedly the first few days after i went through the whole ‘christ what have i done! ‘ but I’m very pleased to say once i got to day 9 i turned a huge corner, I’ve even started driving again and I feel back to me again. They still ache but I just wanted to give a bit of hope to anyone having a bit of a rubbish time after surgery…. a week really does make all the difference so hang in there if you think you’re struggling. My profile picture is from today and I love them! X

    keeno 18

    Hi @tammy I felt exactly the same as you, I had my op on 23rd in London – I had regrets up until day 9 too – I was struggling with the pain so much – I was just a moany mess! but day 10 saved me I started to drive and felt the I could move my arms abit freely – im now seeing a huge difference in my breasts as they’ve started to settle and im so glad they are getting softer – you r profile pic looks great xx


    Hi! Awww our girls are the same age then! That’s so good to know it wasn’t just me, day 9 is definitely the turning point, I can’t stop looking at them now! But I was so sad the first week, and couldn’t work out why I wasn’t feeling grateful. It gives other girls thereassurance that it’s ok to feel a bit down and nit know why. Happy day 12 to our boobies! Getting back driving has made all the difference to feeling normal xx


    Thanks for the compliment, yours look amazing as well!!

    keeno 18

    @tammy I had so many regrets ? But day 9 saved me… They have dropped and are now soft ?, I have the feeling back in them as well xx thank you xx

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