Overs vs Unders ?:?: Started by: nikkinak

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    Hi Girls,
    Just a quick question. Do you have a choice in wether you have over or under the muscle? What difference is it between them both and I have had 4 babys so I have alot of breast tissue its a shame there so saggy and empty, would I probably need unders? Also is it right that with unders you take longer to heal?! Thanks xx


    Its when you have little breast tissue that you go for unders th hide the implants more making it look natural.. But for you, i think they might recommend over.. As you have enough. Additionally unders are more painful and take linger to heal. I’m having unders this wednesday at high gate.p.s with unders have less risk of complications but your zurgeon will advice you better.g.luck


    hey hun
    im pretty sure that with under muscle there is a smaller chance of capsular contraction and they meant to look more natural.iv heard they take longer to heal and are more painful. but i think cuz u have breast tissue ul need to ahve overs.speak to consultant as well tho.hope that helps.
    parisa xxx


    Hi niknak,

    I’ve had 2 children so my boobs were a bit more loose than they used to be and I was told I was borderline on needing an uplift hwever when I went to see mr Kazzazi he told me he could sort then out by giving me a mlp 505 implant to fill them back out, i had them under the muscle as the muscle will now hold the implant in place.xx

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