scared Started by: Shannon

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  • Shannon 10

    Hello Girls, I was 3 weeks po yesterday and since 2 weeks po I have felt pain in my left breast, at my 2 week check up the nurse assured me it was ‘muscle pain’ and nothing to do with the implant. I only feel the pain when i touch it and its not over the whole breast just down the side near the bottom. it does not feel hot and my incisions look okay. am i over reacting or do yous think I should go and see my nurse again?? so scared encase i develop CC! 🙁

    Nikki 5

    It sounds like muscle to me! I’d it’s only hurting to touch it’s probably like bruising! I wouldn’t worry! Especially if your nurse has assured you, they know what they’re talking about! Just keep an eye on it and take it easy! You might be doing a bit too much so it’s taking longer to heal. Muscle can take a while to heal ? xx

    Donna 12

    @shannoncann I’m 3 weeks post op too .
    I was ok at first then the second week hit and I was in agony they’ve settled a bit more now but some days bits of them hurt I think it’s just all your nerves and muscles .
    Charlottes lovely I thought mine had gone wrong last week I she reassured me that it’s an up and down journey xxx


    hi peeps im 9 days post op and have to agree im going thru all sorts of pain atm. they throb and sting!!! I get pains all over my boobs even tho I had the implants put in over the muscle . I spoke to my nurse and she has said that everything looks fine. I think we all go thru this in different ways don’t we. im just keeping an eye on mine even tho they have started to ease a bit now and don’t feel so hard. please try not to worry and keep an eye on them. I even had pain in my arm pits and ribs!!! xx

    Amber 72

    My boobs hurt when I touch them, especially my side boob area.. I also have a vein going through one of my nipples which hurts when I touch it, I think it could be our skin stretching ect but I wouldn’t say it was anything to worry about x

    Shannon 10

    @nicolala4 @db76 I’ve been okay since day one, but i work on the phone at work and constantly use my left arm to pick it up so i think I’m using it a lot more than i should have. I’ve swapped arms now as my right seems fine and is dropping but the left is not. xx

    I’m definitely going to keep an eye on it, I think its because I use my left for driving and stuff aswell! xx

    mine seems to be my side boob area also, doesn’t look swollen or hot, I think I’m just over reacting! xx

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