Piercings!!! Can I use plastic retainers? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 15

    Hey girls!!! Had my first consultation today, picked my date and paid deposit! Meet my surgeon next week!! Excited!! Anyway… Does anybody know if I will be able to wear plastic retainers in my piercings as I really don’t want any to close up I have wayyyyyy too many haha!!! Helllllp! Xx


    Hi Sophie,

    A fab question and I’m interested to know the answer too!

    Ella x


    I asked my nurse this before my op and she said it isn’t advised because it can increase the likelihood of infection, even if it is old.
    She did say that if you ask they might put your piercing back in after…I managed mine myself though 🙂
    Hope this helps xx

    Sophie 15

    Ohhhh boooo! I may ask them then as I have some if find difficult putting back in if I can’t lift my arms!! Thank you so much for the quick reply!! I’m so excited now… Have to wait til the end of November due to work 🙁 xxx

    Amber 72

    I used plastic retainers and my nurse told me she would have to tape them up though and she even told I had to take my belly piercing one out but Dr Traynor said it wouldn’t be a problem cause they are all plastic. I don’t think she did tape them up in the end though x

    Hayley 30

    I had one plastic one in they asked me to take it out I said I couldn’t so they taped it up, I took my nipples out and by the time I came around they had healed up 🙁 x

    Sophie 15

    Thanks for the advice girls, sounds like it’s dependant on your surgeon. On no way Hayley id be devastated!!! I have quite a few in my ears, tongue, and nose. So all above my head so to be fair I don’t wanna take them out for the risk of them closing when I’m unable to put them back in xxx

    Hayley 30

    My nose can go weeks and not heal, maybe try it one day and I have about 11 in my ears is just my rook that would have come out, even took my forward helix out and that was fine , tongue I guess will have to come out that’s the main one I could guess would heal up x

    Louise 9

    Any piercings in the mouth (tongue, lip etc) will need to be removed as you will have tubes going in your mouth and they pose a choking hazard. Ears etc can usually be taped but I just removed all of mine completely and put them all straight back in after xx

    Sophie 15

    The ones I’m worrying about mainly are my septum and scaffolding bar (that one hurt like a b*tch) so don’t fancy having it redone haha! The rest aren’t so important as they should stay open! Thanks for all the advice girls… Should really just remember that these are all small sacrifices for new boobies!!!!!!!!!! Xx

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