PAIN? Started by: Leah

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  • Leah 53

    I’ts day 16 and I’m still in a lot of pain and discomfort. My nipples are still incredible sore and the aches and shooting pains are not going. I’m struggeling to sleep and get comfortable. And as much as I love my new boobs it’s making me feel a little down ?

    Is this normal? When will I feel back to normal and when will the pain subside?

    Clairelh 85

    Hi Hun it’s completely normal don’t worry with my first opp I was in a lot of pain for atleast 3weeks and couldn’t really do much just try not to over do it I probz didn’t get enough rest the first time xx

    Angie 26

    I am day 19 and mine seem to be getting more tender it is a really weird sensation a bit like lots of needles sticking in and nipples have been sore a couple of days probably just nerves healing so you’re not alone ??xx

    Zara 3

    Hey love, I’m day 17 and still in pain I have good days and bad days but the shooting pains stop me sleeping and everyday by 2 o’clock I want to sleep? I seen the nurse yesterday and she said expect the pains 2 last another 2wks and my nipples are so sensitive but not a lot we can do about that?X

    Gem jay 19

    I’m on day 10 and I would say I have more pain now than what I had the week of the operation, not bad pain but I’m more aware of them. Perhaps as we are doing more day to day things and moving more it’s putting pressure on our muscles and making things a little sore x

    Angie 26

    Hi girls it is reassuring to know you’re not alone all I seem to see is others not having any pain so thought it was just my age lol xx

    Paige 7

    Definitely reassuring.. Just came on this forum to check if anyone had posted about it and thank god it was only the second one down because I’ve had such a good recovery and now my right boob feels so weird and achey ha

    I hope you’re all okay! X

    Leah 53

    I’m so glad I’m not alone! I thought it would be the first week and it would all be over and I’d be back to normal ? feel like such an idiot haha. I think I may have over done it. I was back at work on day 7 and did a 45 hour week. I’m just resting up on my days off now! Hope we’ve all gotten over the worst of it! ? xxx


    Hi Leah,

    Where your boobs really numb? I could feel most of mine just its numb around the incision the nurse said that good so I wouldn’t have the shooting pains which I haven’t yet, I do something get a bubbly feeling but apparently that’s normal.
    Hope it stops soon it will be worth it!
    I am waiting for mine to drop I don’t feel like they are that big from front view , from the side they look amazing.

    Angie 26

    Hi girls I have tried a smaller cup size sports bra tonight so nipples don’t rub (and rest of boobs) and it feels GREAT virtually no pain in boobs and nipples nice and comfy ???xx

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