Stretch mark?! Started by: Gina

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  • Gina 47

    Just had a peek at my boobs since this morning and noticed a line down one side of my right boob. Not sure what this is but maybe a stretch mark? Any suggestions? Xx

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    Gina 47

    Not to worry it’s the mark from my macom Hahahaha oooops!!!

    Toni 24

    Haag you dope I was just going to comment saying the same thing! Seen a pic you uploaded before your boobs look great? I still feel so coned shaped and my bra is so tight xxx

    Gina 47

    Haha oh I was so worried!! Silly me!
    Hmm I’m still not happy with them Toni, they still feel stuck on n too big for me but I’ve just read online they reduce 1/4 of the size in the first 6 week just from swelling so hopefully I’ll feel better in time. I’ve just managed to wash my hair myself today! Can’t wait to lie in a bath of warm water though ☹️Xxxx

    Nikki 22

    Gina they look amazing! Xx

    Leah 53

    Haha I was going to say looks like a mark from your bra hahah ???????? this made me lol xxxx

    Kayleigh 38

    Haha i just seen that and thought shit ive got those marks as wel before i realised it was from the macom! You worried me then! haha xxx

    Gina 47

    Hahahaha silly me! Sorry girls I’m such a worrier atm!!???? Xxx

    Toni 24

    Haha aww my mum washed mine yday I might aswell of got a shower she wet me through ha, I really hope mine don’t go smaller they don’t feel big at all, how you finding sleeping I woke up the morning slid down my V pillow and lay on my side I couldn’t believe I didn’t wake yo first thing I checked was my boobs wasn’t wonky haha xx

    Gina 47

    Really! Hahah my Mam did a good job of washing my hair the other day, I just leaned over n she got in the shower haha!
    I’ve built like a fort in my 2 pillows under my head plus my v pillow and travel neck pillow, 2 pillows either side of me for my arms and 2 pillows for underneath the middle of my legs (that helps with the sliding!!!) it’s quite comfy aswell. I woke up this morning on my back basically flat though and I didn’t really feel any pain where as if I’d done that in the first few days it would have felt really uncomfortable on my chest! I just feel really achey round my incisions n the side of my back, dunno whether it’s my bra or the way I’m hunching my back. God knows will find out on Wednesday! If you google “sleeping position after breast Aug” it helps. Your implants don’t move so ont be a massive problem if you end up on your back or side occasionally! Xxxx

    Toni 24

    I thought that said a pillow for you kiddie leg haha oh god in really not with it. I have my 1 week po tomorrow aswell at Manchester 12pm do you know if it’s this one we find out if we can shower? I bought a new bra yday it felt fine at first but then started to dig in to iv ended up goin back to my Macom even tho this one feel like it’s under my arm pits xxx

    Gina 47

    I’m not sure Toni I’ve got mine tomorrow. Could you let me know what happens today please? Hope all goes well! 🙂 xxx

    Toni 24

    Mines tomorrow to babe xxx

    Gina 47

    Shit sorry I’m so stupid sometimes hahaha xxx

    Toni 24

    Haha what time you there? Just been looking at your pics they look so good you have got to be over the moon with them xx

    Gina 47

    Not til 4:15 at Newcastle. When’s yours? Aww thank you. There starting to feel a bit softer on top today so all signs are good! Do you have any pics? I’ll have to have a look!! Xxxx

    Toni 24

    Yeah I took some pics but when I tryedup loading them there saying to big, had my post op today she said you can’t shower after first week it’s the second 🙁 xxx

    Gina 47

    Toni I had mine today too she just removed my dressings and cleaned the incisions and then put another one on n said no shower for another week too! I felt sick when she was cleaning them so I said I didn’t want to see them. Did u see yours? I kinda wish I’d seen them now. Are they closed up by now? Makes me feel weazy thinking about it haha xxxx

    Toni 24

    Haha noway!!!! I went funny when she cleaned them then when I stood up to look I took a glance and had to sit down I went all woozy haha, glad it wasn’t just me ha xxx

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