tomorrow is the big day, need help Started by: natalie

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  • natalie 1

    so i am getting very nervous, mostly because i feel unprepared for the hospital. i am not a mya patient but I know this is the best place to get help. Can anyone help with what i need to take with me as i am also an overnight stay. the only thing i do have is my support bras and two hoodies for leaving. not really sure what to expect. any help is much appreciated. thanks


    Hey, I took quite a bit into hospital but hardly used any of it to be honest! I took pjs but I just stayed in my hospital gown so didn’t need them. Reading stuff is good as it gets really boring! You’ll need your support bras, spare underwear, tooth paste etc and as you said something to change into the next day, apart from that I don’t think I used anything else x

    natalie 1

    Aww thanks. I just feel so unprepared. I have literally counted down the days and now its the day before. Panic has set in, I always get nervous about the little things and for this its my over night bag. X


    I was the same, felt like I was really under prepared, but if anything I over packed! To be honest I spent most of my time in hospital sleeping, was so out of it from the anaesthetic and the medication! So I wouldn’t worry too much! X

    natalie 1

    Yeah I think I will end up over packing too just to be on the safe side haha. Thank you xxx

    Toni 24

    Just make sure your hoodies are zip ups Hun its murder to lift your arms I just took a cheap primary vest and stepped into it instead of putting it over my hand and a pair of leggings my macom and baby wipes, oh and phone charger Lol I was a day case xx

    natalie 1

    yeah they are zip lol i just plan on putting one on over my strapping no need for a top aswel as ill be too hot even if the weather isnt good haha. i have basically packed some joggers, hoodie, my support bars, a towel. babywipes, toothbrush and hairbrush. thats it. i hope thats enough hahah. im so nervous so thank you xx


    Good luck today Hun, you’ll be fine!! Xx

    natalie 1

    Thank you, currently in my glamourous gown haha just waiting now xx


    Hey i hope everything went well!! Could i ask where u went to get your ba? Im not.going to be a mya patient either xx

    natalie 1

    Hii. Yeah everything went great. Im at transform. Its been lovely every step of the way here xx

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