Ladies who are 10 weeks+ Started by: Kelly

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  • Kelly 7

    Hi ladies man coming up to 9 weeks now and my recovery has been good. My boobs have stayed even throughout their settlement but my right boob whilst it looks to have dropped the same as the right etc doesn’t feel the same firstly the right boob is still completely numb which is fine but the outer boob is tender to touch almost as though there is a bruise there. Is that normal for it still to feel that way at this stage? I still get morning boob in my right side and sometimes it feels much harder than the left particularly when it gets cold. Is all this normal? I don’t have any marks, no misshapen breasts it’s just how they feel sometimes

    Lucy 26

    Hi, I have the same as you as well and was worried. I’m 7 weeks today and the outer side of both of my boobs like down my rib cage is still sore and feels like a bruise when pressed , I still can’t sleep on my side yet either. I was thinking I’m just healing reallyy slow as the left one is still higher than my right, although my scars have healed well x

    Donna 12

    Hi , im 12 weeks now that all sounds normal mine are generally ok but I do get funny pains still and some days I can feel my nipples others I can’t !
    It’s all normal and part of the healing process
    If it helps I was in pain up till I reached 9 weeks then it just went xx

    Nikki 22

    Oh girls I’m so glad I’ve seen this post!!! I’m 12 weeks tomorrow after an uplift with implants.

    Kelly – my boobs have been so even all the way through and then suddenly last week my left has dropped and actually looks amazing. The right however (although not massively noticeable) is still quite high and round at the top. I’ve had my 1: week surgeon consultation today and he was happy with them but I am praying that ‘righty’ drops in the next few weeks. It’s more noticeable in the shape from the side view. I’ve also begun suffering with aches and pains and tenderness again this last week in the left one and thought I’d done something at the gym but now I’m thinking maybe it’s just to do with the movement. It’s so good when you hear other girls with the same worries and you realise you’re actually normal!! Xx

    Kelly 7

    Oh so glad I’m not alone that must mean everything is normal. I see lots of post from the beginning to around 6 weeks but I’m not sure what I shouldn’t and shouldn’t be feeling. I get it can take many months for everything to settle but its distinguishing between what’s normal and what’s not. Thanks Ladies x

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