POD1 – disappointed with my new boobs… Started by: Kelly

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  • Kelly 8

    I had 450 HP overs yesterday at Preston First Trust with Dr Traynor, surgery went really well without any complications but I’m so disappointed with my results.. They look so flat and hardly any different I’m panicking that they look so rubbish and I should’ve stuck with padded bras. I’ve spent so much money and I’m feeling so deflated I’m holding back on crying my eyes out …

    Vicky 8

    I was also at preston yesterday and had traynor.
    I keep thinking maybe i should of went with a larger implant too. I choose 325 but had option of 350. I went with what traynor suggested. I am happy as i didnt have allot to start with. But keep thinking i wonder what they would of looked like with that other size. I suppose it must be boob greed lol x

    Kelly 8

    I wonder is this how everyone feels? I’m just worried sick that I’m gonna have to go back to big thick padded bras that I was foolishly thinking I’d be able to throw away, so disheartened after waiting so long for what I thought I’d instantly love. Sorry for being so down, I’m happy for you though hun, I know I must sound like such a brat xx


    Hi Kelly, I had 450 HP overs with dr Traynor a week last Wednesday and I’m so pleased with mine, it doesn’t look so much different to me in regular tshirts but I can really tell the difference. I was worried that I’d feel like I looked like Pamela Anderson because they’d look absolutely gigantic but they are a lovely size for me and I don’t think we started at a much different size.
    I’m sure that you will start to love them!
    They also look completely different without the Macom on xx

    Kelly 8

    Hey Natalie aww I really hope I do start to love them cos I’d hate not to after going through surgery. Hopefully when they start to drop they will look less little ugly duckling like xx

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Hey. Don’t be so quick to judge, you’re only 1 day post op. Even though you’ve not had unders you still need to be patient and wait for your implants to settle. Try to reserve judgement until you’re 6 weeks post op at the earliest. Xx

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