Hi girls,
I’m currently thinking about booking a BA (this is not something I’m doing on a whim, its been a very long process just to get this far, but now its real I want to go into it all fully prepared and knowing what to expect), and have been recommended going with Mr Kazazzi at Doncaster.
Wondering if anyone can share their experience as I’m still in the planning process… e.g. what to expect at consultations etc…
How long should I expect to be at each appointment? is it just a chat or something more formal/in-depth? do I go once or have multiple meetings before any actual op?
I’m also factoring in travel time for appointments and the knock-on effect of needing childcare if the appointments are lengthy.
None of the above is a deal-breaker in any way – I just feel like I’m walking into the unknown and so it would be really helpful if anyone at the post-op stage could give me an idea of their ‘journey’ so I’ve got some peace of mind about what to expect?
Thank you in advance!
Stella x