Time off work ? Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe 40

    I have my operation on January 18th and I have put holidays in for work however I really don’t wanna use my holidays up.Can I get a sick note from the doctor or mya ? just a bit worried work might be a bit awkward but they don’t know the reason why I’m getting it so xxx

    Nikitta 57

    Just tell work you want a break if you book holiday otherwise I think you can get up to 2 weeks sick note when you have surgery I’d call you nurse and ask xxx


    HR where i work have agreed i use half of the time as annual leave and the other half as sick. You can self certify for a week i think so you should be able to do that then any longer get a sick note from doctor hun that should be fine x

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    You can request a sick note from MYA at your pre op for time off work but it does state that you’re having elective surgery. Xx

    Chloe 40

    Thanks ! I might speak to my manager I’m worried they’ll be a bit funny cause I am choosing to have it myself but got so much planned for next year I don’t wanna use my holidays xxx


    I spoke to my HR lady where I work she is very supportive. She spoke to ACAS who advise on all employment law and they said legally if you have a sick note you don’t have to use annual leave. She told me if it made me more comfortable to use 1 day annual leave for the day of procedure – then once I have had the procedure the sick note will cover me anyway as there is no possible way I could work for a week or so. Hope this helps xxx

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