Advice please xxx Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 5

    Hi, I’m just looking for a bit of advice. I have an 8 month old baby, -‘ I going to stuffier massively after the op? I will have my partner at home for the first 5-7 day but then he will have to go back to work. Also how has everyone found driving? I will need to be able to drive asap xxx

    Nikitta 57

    Some people say where you have the implant (under the muscle or over) will affect you differently.. I had under the muscle I’m 9DPO now and I cant lift heavy things, I find it hard to lift a cooking pan full of water as its strains on my chest muscles also to hold up my own weight. My surgeon recommended I didn’t drive for 1-2 weeks, I drove after 7 days. Also it depends on what medication you are given wether you can drive whilst taking them xxx

    Danielle 3

    I had partials and I wasn’t in any real pain, I didn’t have to take any pain relief medication at all. I was up and about the next day doing normal activities just making sure you I wasn’t to lift anything heavy. I also went back to work on day six but I could of gone in the day after the op I felt that fine. I drove on day five. However everyone is different where as I suffered no pain other than what you would feel from a work out at the gym I have read others be in pain for weeks and not able to even lift their cuppa tea!. X


    I agree with both the girls I think it depends where your implants are placed. I also had partials and didn’t need the pain medications and would say that after a week I was absolutely fine doing everything pretty much as normal.
    Everyone’s different though like Danielle put I’ve read some girls write they can’t do anything at all.
    I’d probably have someone as a back up just incase you need the help, I’m a nanny and going back to work on Tuesday which I feel completely fine about and probably could have gone back after a week in reality as I’ve been pretty much my normal self since then xx


    I’ve got a 8 month old baby too and he weighs a ton … also not much help either as partner is away . Will have my mum for a few days but that’s it !! Having sub glandar and a uplift on right breast

    Charlotte 5

    Thank you for your replies. I’ve got my consultation with the surgeon booked so I will see what he says xx

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