Overs girls!!! Started by: Livvy

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  • Livvy 8

    Hey girls I’m looking for any of you that have had overs! I’m booked in for next week with overs and I’m just wondering what your healing was like, I’m seeing soooo many posts on healing but it’s all girls that have had unders or partials so that is very different! How long did it take for you to lift your arms above your head etc (I know everyone is different) 🙂 any info appreciated! I have a friends birthday drinks that I’m going to almost 2 weeks later (won’t be drinking no alcohol for 6 weeks the nurse said ????) But seeing as Il be in my macom I want to wear a jumper but I don’t know if I will be able to get in and out of it haha!

    Demi 67

    I want to know the same thing! my surgeon said overs for me and my surgery is the 25th but I seen a girl with the same stats as me and she’s been given partial just don’t know why I was advised overs. My surgeon said cause I had enough breast tissue to cover the implant but I also don’t want them fake looking. Don’t know whether you know or not?x

    Livvy 8

    @demimae mines the 9th, what’s your stats? I’m a dancer so I use my muscles a lot that’s why I deffo want over the muscle so it’s quicker healing and I won’t affect my muscles…also my boobs are far apart and it’s easier to get cleavage with overs rather than unders
    I’ve been looking at so many pictures and I prefer the look of overs as they move more naturally like they aren’t stuck under your muscles but that’s my personal opinion 🙂 and I was absolutely dead set on getting under the muscle before my consultations! I can’t believe I’m the opposite now haha! And I’m going for natural looking too x

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