2WPO Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls,

    I’ve just reached my 2WPO and am having a total moment of self doubt as to whether I’ve gone the right size/done the right thing.

    I’m feeling so rubbish as I’m not back at the gym and probably from all the rubbish at Christmas but overall I’m just really doubting whether I’ve gone big enough or too big.

    I have moments where I think they’re massive and it’s too much but today I feel like they’re small and I’ve gone through this for something pointless…I’m sure it’s just part of the process but it’s stressing me out!!!

    Anyone else feel like this?? Xx

    Louise 42

    Heather you are similar stats to me and im going for 350cc just because I am quite broad. If mine look half as good as youra I would be made up they look amazing.

    Claudette 4

    They look amazing!! I think when you spend so much on a procedure and finally “fixing” what you maybe didn’t like in the first place.. You expect to just be happy! But really it can make you more critical because you think well why do i not feel “perfect” and makes you self doubt. Its all new and youve put your body through alot so hormones can be all over the the place. Not just your boobs but your whole figure looks good! And I think your just over analysing your self which everyone does! But my opinion is you look AMAZING!!! And what a great job your surgeon has done!! :)) xx i haven’t had mine yet so I don’t really know what your feeling but my closet friends have and have experienced these same thoughts but are 100% body happy now years on! and I’m sure I will feel this at some stage but just love your self! You have nothing to worry about! Xx

    Lisa 24

    Hey Heather, I went through all the emotions too. I think it’s completely normal. Your whole figure changes with your boobs, all clothes fit differently, so I still find it quite overwhelming some days. But also love putting tops on I wouldn’t have worn before and I’m in my worst shape as I haven’t exercised properly several months before the op.
    So my new year resolution is to get my body to match my boobs 🙂 I’m sure you’ll stay in the mindset of loving them soon enough. They do look awesome!


    They look amazing !!

    Bassett28 122

    @heather – they really do look amazing and perfectly in proportion. X

    Daisy 21

    Heather they look amazing! Your a similar height and weight to me and honestly I hope mine end up looking like yours do! I’ve only had my first consultation and already I’ve gone through so many emotions so your head must be all over the place but seriously they look fab xx


    Awwww thank you all so so much! @claudette-2 I think you’re spot on with what you’ve said and it’s so true that it can just make you more critical in everything.

    thank you I’m so glad that someone else can relate – I know exactly what you mean about the proportions with clothes and trying new ones on, I think that’s a huge part of what I’m feeling, I’m so used to having a bigger bottom half and now I’ve evened out I can’t work out my left from right!!

    @bassett28 @hayley051110 @louiangel thank you girls, really appreciate the response and definitely going to try and be more positive about things from now on or at least try xx

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