Macom bras Started by: Lisa

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  • Lisa 3

    Hi girls just a quick question about the Macom bras I wana check iv got there right size? I’m nearly 2 WPO but when I went a week after i took my Macom bra n the nurse before hand told me to get small. It wouldn’t do up at all far too small so Macom let me exchange to medium n I wore it today but was a bit worried was a bit big they feel ok around the boobs but underneath isn’t tight I can fit my fingers under it. What ya think don’t wana be wearing a too big bra. I’m wearing 34d sport bras n I had 325cc from 32a. Any advice given appreciated 🙂 xxx

    Lisa 3

    Any ideas ladies?

    Shelly 39

    Hi Lisa, I’m 7 weeks post op and a 34d, I still wear the medium MACOM, it is loose at the bottom but I think that’s so it doesn’t rub your incisions, I can fit my fingers under mine too, but it is still very supportive. I’ve tried other sports bra’s and bra’s, although they might fit tighter at the bottom, I don’t get the support. I hope this helps, maybe speak to the nurse again though if you’re really worried x

    Lisa 3

    Ah thanks Shelley for getting back to me I think I just needed some reassurance so that’s great I feel I can carry on wearing them then 🙂 thanks again xx

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