6 Days Until Op!!! Started by: Jasmine

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  • Jasmine 10

    Only 6 days until my op and the nerves are well and truly setting in! I’m a 32aa getting 400cc and I’ve got no idea what size I’m going to end up. Has anyone has the same? What size did you end up?
    And secondly what the hell do I take with me and for the post op?!

    The excitement is totally taking controlle

    Olivia 30

    Hi jasmine, I haven’t had my op, mines on the 3rd March but I will be exactly the same as you with nerves. I worry about everything haha but just remember why your doing it and how much it will be worth it in the end. I am a very small 34b and I am getting 375cc implants and I have no idea what size to expect either so don’t worry your not on your own with that one! Iv read a few posts on here about what to take to the op with you. Most girls take a V neck pillow, dressing gown, magazines, button up shirt/pyjamas or onesie, slippers and overnight essentials just in case you need to stay in for any reason. Hope this helps!xx

    Jasmine 10

    That helps a lot thankyou! I’m jus so excited. 9 year of waiting for this day and it’s finally here ahhh. It’s so crazy. Good luck to you and your new boobies!xx


    Hiya hun, i had my op thurs.. 2 days ago. Honestly i took to much it depends if your overnight case if your a daycase like me… All i needed was lose clothing.. Button up top or zip an my macom bra for after. Also brung some snacks to try eat after. I had 375 an 400cc in.
    Honestly it is fine i was so nervous when i got in.. Once i was knocked out i was so confused how they do it without me knowin.
    Yourl be ok. Any qs just ask

    Jasmine 10

    Ah thankyou so much. Usually when I put questions on here no one replies. It’s feels like you’re going through this alone until you see the thousands of people looking for support haha. Better start packing my bag today before the excitement gets to much and I forget xx


    Your welcome. I know i felt like that. You can search on the bar above for previous posts like what to pack or befores an afters. Like i said any qs just mssg or tag me. Good luck xx

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