Saw my nurse at 17 DPO of 250/275cc HP unders and got the all clear for laying normally in bed and on my side. I wanted to post this as I thought it wasn’t allowed until 6wks PO! But apparently she’s never seen incisions heal so fast, and mine look months old rather than weeks old and said it was fine! The laying at a 45 degree angle/not on your side is to take pressure off your incisions (nothing to do with moving implant) and once your incisions are sealed nicely laying this way is all cool.
I am now 20DPO and here is a pic from laying in bed this morning. They are still sitting high/pretty rock hard but they only really hurt in the morning now and slowly starting to feel like mine! I still have dressing on, but I can take it off tomorrow! And she said to keep them dry as possible for another week. I have alot of pics on my profile for anyone thinking of a similar size. Lucy xx
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